sd comic con guide

With my years of experience, I am here to help you get ready for the NERDest week of the year! If these posts helped you please share! Any additional questions, feel free to contact me via social media outlets or comment on any post! @meganelvrum------->


anonymous said...

Thank you for the excellent guide! I'm looking forward to my first Comic Con this year and your post has alot of great tips. I'm super excited but I'm probably not going to even attempt to get into Hall H or Ballroom 20. Thank you again for the info!

Karla Do More said...

Pinning this!!! Thank you! :)


YIPPIE!! Thank you so much Karla!! xo


Ryan so happy to help and hope that you had an amazing first SDCC!!


Thank you so much!! Glad to help! xo

Toni D. said...

Yesss! I was hoping you'd written a guide! I'm thinking of going for the 2014 one. :)


Thank you Toni, so glad to help! Hope to see you in 2014!!

Joie Fatale said...

You know, I have been wearing the Vibram Five Finger shoes for the last 3 cons...they are--like Izma from Emperor's New Groove--scarily hideous, BUT, they have been amazing for the con!!!
So comfy, and when I take them off at the end of the day, my feet aren't wishing for my death!

On a side note: the agony of waiting for badges to go on sale is KILLING me!!!


Joie, thanks will totally look up those shoes! Cannot wait to hear about badge sales as well & my press pass application! xo

Anonymous said...

I have a reallllllly stupid question but what's the whole ticket deal. Like does SDCC even do tickets or are badges like tickets. I'm really confused and would like to know more before they go on sale so I can get them. Thanks ^_^


Tickets/Badges, same thing. You have to buy your tickets for SDCC during the online sale and then use the barcode you get upon purchase to pick up your actual badge at SDCC that you wear the entire weekend. Hope that helps!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooooo much. One more question: have the 2014 badges gone on sale yet (for people who didn't attend previous years)? Because my friend told me that they sold out already.


no 2014 badges have gone on sale yet! Make sure you have gone to the San Diego Comic Con official website, gotten a Member ID and signed up for their emails, they will let you know when it is getting close, you can also follow their official account on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

thanks and I do have a member ID and am signed u for their emails. I am pretty sure that i am following their twitter. I finally found a helpful website and have some more questions but i can wait for them. Just kidding so here goes... Should I bring a friend with, how many days should i go (if only one or two which ones), and if cosplaying, would going as like Katara from Avatar or a Pokemon girl be okay, that is if you say that I should cosplay at all. :) thanks for all the info already I started freaking out that I wouldnt have a chance AT ALL becuase they were all sold out


Good to the first two things! You are half way there! There are so many awesome nerds at SDCC that if you couldn't bring a friend, you will be fine. Everyone is super nice and willing to talk all fandoms. Last year was my first year cosplaying and I loved it! So that is up to you :) Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Great website! Thanks sooo much for all the tips. I'm trying to get to comic con this year so fingers crossed XD


Thank you so much! I hope you get to experience SDCC this year, it is such an amazing place! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I want to go so badly! Any good places on the web to find the most excellent exclusive swag for SDCC 2014? I hear Artist Brian Rood will have his own booth this year and will be giving away a new water color print he's doing.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Really cool tips! So I go to the con every year but this year my friend is going and she's never gone so my question is, how should I show her around? Because you know how it is, everyone at SDCC wants to do as much as they could do while being there but she's never gone so how should I balance what I want to do and what she wants to do? Thank you! I love your blog! :)

Anonymous said...


adrain Smith said...

This was our first time going to Comic Con. Great time overall.
We bought our tickets online during the Spring.
Loved the panels and the exhibition hall
The ONLY nit-pick I had was for the Hall H lines.

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