Friday, June 17, 2016

5 Podcasts To Listen To Before, After & During San Diego Comic Con

Even though I won't be at San Diego Comic Con this year, doesn't mean that I still can't help you all out with some awesome SDCC tips! I love listening to podcasts at work, they really help the day go by fast. And to ramp up the Comic Con excitement, I've picked out five of my favorite podcasts that you can listen to now, to prepare for the con, during your down time at the con and ones to keep you in the Comic Con spirit all year!

1. The Nerd Fu Podcast, before and after.
Sully and Steve, your hosts of The Nerd Fu Podcast are gurus to the con world and everything nerdy! Movies, toys, cons and more, you get all the latest news from these two funny, charming and cuddling guys! They inform their listeners and always give them a good laugh. My favorite part is all of their inside jokes. If you listen from the beginning you will get them! They are also super interactive with their fans!
2. Crazy 4 Comic Con, before and after.
Crazy 4 Comic Con has been a huge supporter of The Nerdy Girlie since its inception. Tony, the host and creator of Crazy 4 Comic Con, is on the grown floor of every con giving you the best celebrity interviews and fellow blogger interviews. Tony is all about building a Comic Con community!
3. A Cup O' Tea with An Englishman In San Diego, before and after. Leonard the host of A Cup O' Tea gives you the latest and greatest information about everything coming to San Diego Comic Con! Every week he has special guests that join him and talk about what is new in the Comic Con world.
4. Lore, during. Need something to escape the madness that is SDCC? Or everyday life? Check out Lore. I'm not one for scary stories, but these stories go deeper than that. Host Aaron has the voice to suck you in and the words to mesmerize you! You might want to catch up now because he is in the works with the creators of The Walking Dead to make Lore into a TV show!
5. Modern Love, during. And last but not least, because I am such a lover of love I've added my newest podcast obsession Modern Love. Each episode begins with an essay on love by a weekly author, read by a weekly celebrity. One of my favorite celebs Joshua Jackson reads one! Each story is heartbreaking, lovely and inspiring. Since it is hard for me to read much, these essays give me the inspiration to keep creating my memoir 100 Cups of Coffee!

All of these podcasts keep me going through our slow summer days at Bloom Portraits. I can't wait to hear your suggestions on favorite podcasts! I'm always open to finding new ones! Share yours with me in the comments below or link me over on Twitter for a RT!


♡ Kristin ♡ said...

I just added so many of these to my subscription list<3!

B. said...

I love that I recognize most of these!

Desiree said...

Oh I may have to take a listen to Modern Love. I'm a sucker for love stories.

Alice - The Geeky Burrow said...

I'm not going to go to SDCC, but I want to check these podcasts because they look very interesting! Thanks for sharing :)

Megan Gotch said...

Awesome! Thanks Alice, let me know what you think! xx

Megan Gotch said...

They are so good Desiree! Let me know what you think! xx

Megan Gotch said...

I thought you would :) xx

Megan Gotch said...

Awesome! Let me know what you think! xx

Mallory @ bad.wolf.brunch said...

Love Tony's site and podcast! I definite go to for me!
xx Mal

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