Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Where To Find The Nerdy Girlie at Comikaze 2014

After throughly combing the Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo panel schedule, I have found a BUNCH I want to attend!  A few overlap so I will have to make some choices on the day of, but I MUST see John Barrowman.  I haven't ever met him...except running into him at Phoenix Comic Con once {CHECK out that pic squeeee!}.  His panels are always a laugh a minute so that is my mission THIS con!

Second mission is to see all my friends!!  Since SDCC ended I have been needing my nerds!  I cannot wait to see old and meet new friends!


3:30pm:  Disney Fandom - Room 304ABC

5:00pm:  Geeks Get Published - and Paid! - Room 301B

6:30pm:  Geek Fashion Show - Hot Topic Main Stage


9:00am:  How to Publish Your Own eBook - 304ABC

11:00am:  How to Be Fashionably Nerdy - 303AB

Noon:  John Barrowman and Carole Barrowman - 408AB

1:00pm:  Geek Girl Fashion - 301B

4:00pm:  Doctor Who Live - 306AB


10:00am:  Event Photography and Cosplay - 303AB

10:30am:  Jewel Staite - Hot Topic Main Stage

Noon:  John Barrowman - 304ABC

1:00pm:  How to Create Your Own Novel - 308AB

These are the panels I HOPE to attend this year at Comikaze.  Hope to see some of you there!  Now to figure out what to wear!  Maybe my Halloween costume {post coming day before Halloween}, my awesome nerdy girlie tee and....?  HELP!!

| Check out my GEEK shirts! |


B said...

Have a great time! I hope you manage to see everything on your list!

Amanda said...

Have tons of fun! John Barrowman is great. I brought my brother and sister to his panel last year, and they said he was the best part of the convention--and they had NO IDEA who he was going into it. I want to see him again now that I've seen him on Arrow.

Joie Fatale said...

Have fun! LOTS of fun!!! And send some of that fun to me in the form of "Joie should be here!" thoughts! Or in the form of instagrams pics! I'd like those too!
(Seriously, have a blast! I wish I was going!)

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