Sunday, January 2, 2022

22 things in 2022 ✅

I think that making my 2022 aspirations more precise will be helpful to me to move them into habits throughout the year. Along with new goals for myself personally, I have them for my company. I want to start educating myself more and making a difference where I can. I want to get back to traveling and I want to be more creative! I'm excited to use the Dailyo app again this year to hold me accountable each day! Here are 22 things I want to do this year!

1. Read 12 books (Made the commitment on Goodreads!) I love the Libby app for my Kindle and most of the books I want to read are on there. Plus my work gives a learning stipend so I can purchase the rest.

2. Birthday Road Trip (Albuquerque, Marfa and Taos). I'm excited to stop and see so many new things in New Mexico on my way to Marfa. It will be fun to be on the open road again.

3. 10 minute yoga flow each morning. I LOVE this one and it is easy and makes me feel so relaxed and reminding me to set and intention for the day.

4. 10 minute meditation at lunch each day. I set a timer for 10 minutes and close my eyes. I let my mind wander where it needs to and write down any ideas or thoughts I want to remember.

5. Take photos on the weekend with my professional camera. I've been inspired by photographers on Instagram and I really enjoyed taking photos of myself for NYE. Here is to more creativity!

6. Girls time Tuesdays and Wednesdays. These have been set on the calendar for long time. Happy to continue to see my best friends weekly. I am so lucky to have these amazing women in my life.

7. 1-2 dates a week and commit to a default 2nd date. I went on a lot of first dates last year. After reading How To Not Die Alone for the second time, I took away the 2nd date default. It will help me enjoy the first date more and work towards giving people a chance to be my person.

8. Launch DEI committee at work. I've been working with a colleague for a few months now and we are both so excited to grow the DEI needs in our company!

9. Continue DEI education / find a certificate course. Along with the above, I'd love to find a certification for DEI. I have two in mind already.

10. Get a promotion and salary increase at work. This month will be my 6 month anniversary at my new company and I've been working hard to show leadership among my team, support to everyone in the company and knowledge of our product. I love being able to grow and I'm excited to see how I can with my company this year.

11. 4th of July in San Diego! I've not been home since Xmas 2019. It will be fun to celebrate, relax and be near the water again!

12. TBD Italy in May. I have a hotel booked in Rome from before the pandemic. I just moved it again and I hope I can make this happen 2 years later!

13. Visit small towns in Colorado for day trips once the snow is gone at least once per month. I tried to drive up to Vail a few weekends ago and it was crazy. SO when ski season is over, I'd love to head back up there, to Breckenridge, Telluride, back to the Sand Dunes, Salida and more! I'm excited to get out and discover more of my state!

14. Therapy once a month. I've been going to therapy since January of 2019. In the beginning it was every week, then every other week and now I'm feeling good to do once a month. There is always the option to add in more, if needed!

15. Run M/W/F 2 miles. Last year I ran 151.3 miles. I'd love to get on a schedule to run my 2 mile loop constantly this year. 

16. Stretch for 10 minutes each day. I think with my yoga flow, this will work itself in naturally.

17. Max out Roth IRA ($6,000) and contribute to 401K start with $250 per paycheck, see if I can increase that by the end of the year to $500 per paycheck.

18. Write one blog post per week. Here's my first!

19. Weekend trip to San Diego to see Mom in March. I've not seen her in person since my trip to Japan back in May of 2019.

20. Dailyo app everyday. My bestie Steph introduced me to this in January of last year. I'm almost one year of entries in! I love tracking my moods and goals for each day.

21. Find events, books, articles, etc. to share on Slack to continue our DEI exposure, one per month. 

22. Find one agent a week to pitch my YA novel or 100 Cups of Coffee manuscripts to. I did this a little bit last year, but I think a goal of one per week is manageable.

Here we go! Good luck with this year everyone! I'm so excited to continue to grow in all the ways I can! xx MegπŸ’–


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