I LOVE the holiday season! There is just something different in the air and in hearts! Starting with Thanksgiving and ending with New Years, I am so excited to celebrate the season and make it extra special.

1. Family and Friends. I LOVE trying to find the perfect gift for family and friends. But I also have a problem keeping those gifts a secret! LOL I also have a problem of buying gifts too early and then buying more and more! I just love giving and seeing the reaction on my family and friend's faces.
2. Unplugging. It was in this month that I began to think about how I wanted my next year to be. I want to unplug more, I want to sit in my beautiful living room, listen to my records and read or write. Ocean Eyes and I also went to the Denver Zoo Lights for the first time. I did record a lot of it, but it was nice to bundle up, get some hot cocoa and walk hand in hand enjoying the Christmas spirit.
3. Setting the Scene. I LOVE decorating the house. As soon as the Thanksgiving guests were gone, I drug out all of my decorations. This year I decided to be a bit more sparse and thoughtful, but all the same, whenever I walked into our living room, I smiled. I also love having special outfits as well. This is the time of year to dress up a bit more and of course capture those memories! My photographer gene never stops!
4. Sights and Smells. I am lucky enough to live with the best chef ever! He spent the entire Christmas in the kitchen as I happily watched on and joined the fruits of his labor! Along with my chef, his mom and sister helped create our meals as well and it was wonderful to be able to eat a warm home cooked meal before snuggling up on the couch!
5. Traditions. A few of my favorites are decorating on Thanksgiving night, pine tree candles, listening to my favorite Christmas records and of course cookies and gingerbread houses! I got mine from Trader Joe's this year and cookies from a cute little place in Fort Collins. It has become an annual tradition for me to go there!
It is such a wonderful time of the year. So hopeful, joyful and renewing. I hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday season. That you can relax and be refreshed to start 2018 with passion! Let's look forward to good things to come!
Merry Christmas....Happy EVERYTHING!
And as always check out Studio DIY's Can't Clutch This subscription box! I can't say it enough! I just LOVE getting an adorable little treat in the mail each month! #notanad
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