We had some new nerd girls this go round and they brought the fun! We even recruited a passer by who had a messenger bag made out of SDCC bags! We HAD to call her over and invite her in on the fun!
This go round all the girls brought books to swap. I picked out Winnie the Pooh {which I am so excited to read for the first time!} and One Day
I was so excited about our meet up that I began researching our next! There are TWO awesome things coming up soon in San Diego. The Coronado Playhouse is putting on a Sherlock play April 11th-May 18th. They are also doing a FREE performance of Romeo and Juliet in June 27th-July 20th! Secondly at the Upstart Crow Bookstore in Seaport Village, The San Diego Shakespeare Society hosts a monthly reading on the first Tuesday of every month.
We plan to continue to make this at least a monthly meet up, so if you are a nerd girl here in San Diego, please leave your email address in the comments below so I can add you to the invite list! We would love to see you there!
Group picture left to right back row: @DrawingOnClouds, @Joie_Fatale, @IDatedFabio, @GenTheWise, @DalifivanaRose. Front row: @syllykay, @RHicks and @thenerdygirlie.
It was so much fun! I love these meet ups, and I really look forward to them!
This was my first meeting and it was a blast! I learned a lot and heard so many different fun stories, cool ideas and new fandoms to check out - just soaking it all in! Can't wait to meet up at the next meeting - thanks to Megan @thenerdygirlie for putting it all together! JOIN THE FUN!!
That bookmark is amazing!! I totally need one!! I'm randomly down in San Diego from time to time. I should try to work it around so I can go to a hang out. I would love to met more nerds!
Man, this sounds so cool! There is not nearly enough of this on my side of the world.
Venus, try asking around on Twitter! That is how I began the meet up in the first place :) Good luck! xo
I need to find a group for the Dallas CC... I've never been!
Looks like you guys had a great day! The Central library is awesome, and they have a ton of graphic novels! I must have just missed you guys - I was at the library on the 5th. I'd love to be on the mailing list too! last.secret.garden@gmail.com
I will add you to the list!! xo
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