I love Instagram, taking pictures and displaying them in my home. Since the holidays and our London trip, I had a TON of new pictures I wanted to display. So it was time to update my framed collage and I thought I would share with you all how I did it!
*Double Stick Tape
*Poster board
*Photos {I LOVE ordering my Instagram pictures from Postal Pix}
Step One: Layout your pictures how you want them in your frame. I messed around with mine for a bit until I liked the arrangement. A heart shaped collage would be perfect for Valentine's Day!

Step three: Make sure your frame is nice and clean before putting in your collage. Then find a place to display you're new creation in your home!
I love Postal Pix for printing my iPhone pictures. Download the app and upload pictures you want to print right from your phone! Their quality is great as well as their speed, I highly recommend them. Good luck and happy crafting!
If you have any questions or comments please leave them below!
This is cool! I didn't know about Postal Pix but I certainly have some photos that I love on Instagram.
Postal Pix is a free app you can download from the app store and they have such great quality prints. It is so convenient to just uploading your order right from your phone!
What's great about the instagram photos too, is that the are square, so, you can make pixelated photo art.
This is fab - glad you found a cool way to display your photos from the UK :-)
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